Thursday, December 30, 2010

Civil Defence in Bangalore.

By Nithin Muralidharan

Civil Defense is a voluntary organization initiated by the Govt. of India, Ministry of Home affairs and which is also part of the United Nations Act, (Geneva Conventions).

Civil Defense is an army of self motivated volunteers by the people, for the people, of the people to be prepared to confront any untoward situation/ incident which needs immediate attention to manage and to curb the spread of panic and in turn facilitate the Govt. organizations such as the (ESF) Emergency Support Functions, Fire dept, Home guards, Hospitals, Transport authorities, Traffic dept, Police dept and the Army to carry out their duties appropriately and by easing their mindset by assuring that we the volunteers of Civil Defense will abide by the law and the Constitution of India and carry out our duties/ responsibilities entrusted upon us.

The motto of Civil Defense is to have at least one Warden in each street of every respective division,

(A warden is a trained volunteer who is made capable to handle disaster management, rescue and relief operations and help Govt. agencies to retain peace)

For example: If in case there is any situation such as an out burst of fire in “A” street, the respective warden present in that particular street firstly alerts his respective fellow wardens and carries out his duties making a clear passage for the ESF’s to do the necessary actions at ease. The warden of Street “A” can also assure the civilian population that help is on its way which could in turn reduce panic and save more lives, he/she (wardens) are trained to extinguish or control spreading of fire in large and save a few lives. (Fire is just one example the same applies for any man made or natural disasters)

Civil Defense and Janagraha are organizations which initiate leadership and voluntarism.

(A Volunteer is not just an individual but it is a feeling such as the abstract, a sense of responsibility, an identity to serve for a cause, a super realistic approach from the within. A volunteer is the one who nurtures the lively sprit of voluntarism into the hearts of millions to raise an army of solders dedicated to service.)

We as volunteers in Civil Defense are equipped with select skill sets which are acquired by the trainings provided at the District Head Quarters such as in Bangalore, Mysore, Davangere, Kaigal and Raichur.

Janagraha is an NPO Non Profit Organization, which has initiated the ASM i.e. Area Suraksha Mitra under the banner titled Kannu Teri Bengaluru.

This is a Avant guard step/ move made by Janagraha in “order” to put and bring the present scenario of our country in “order”.

Janagraha in active participation with Civil Defense has brought a positive light and a clear breathing space in reforming strengthening and energizing the civilian population to raise up and rise into a healthy environment such that our future generations to come shall and will witness a better tomorrow.

It is my privilege and honor to be actively associated with organizations of such high cadre and carry out my duties as a volunteer and motivate and penetrate awareness into the hearts of people that Govt. organizations are no longer ruled by petty corruption but with volunteer activism of peace, harmony and integrity.

I entrust this as my duty to ensure that in Civil Defense for rescue and relief operations in case of any untoward situation and the up gradation of the mentality of people for a better living, on the other hand strengthen our minds and prepare ourselves with the knowledge and the right information shared by organizations such as Janagraha and to support its activities in making our nation and the world for all the earthlings a better and reformed space to live in.

Thanking you

Nithin Muralidharan


Nitin Muralidharan is a Deputy Divisional Warden of Division 20. An artist by proffesion. also runs a Art Training class for childern and adults alike.